Great images Nas. Blows the myth that Petzval lenses are always swirly, these aren't. The 2B is a f4 nominal 8.25" Quick Acting Portrait Petzval, in practice with no Waterhouse stop it's f3.
It's worth adding this is an 1860 lens design, the year of the company's founding. John Henry Dallmeyer had worked for Andrew Ross and was married to his second daughter, Hannah, inheriting a third of Andrew Ross' fortune and part of the company after his death.
Dallmeyer redesigned and corrected the Petzval's spherical aberrations, and these portrait Petzvals were in production for decades (over 55 years).
I have an identical 2B, when I showed a friend some prints he thought I'd bought a brand-new LF lens, he was stunned when I said it was made in 1864